Friday, June 29, 2007

Tradition, er... Subscription!


Yes, I am devastated to have given up my decade-long New York Liberty season subscription upon my move to Los Angeles this year.
, I Tivo all their televised games on NBA TV.
, I wore my Liberty jersey to the Staples Center tonight to root them on in the midst of some annoyed Sparks fans (and some supportive unaffiliated friends).
, I am very proud of the 80 to 68 win they pulled off on this Western road trip.
, I am actually considering getting a Sparks subscription to get my bball fix. "Sounds crazy, no? But in this little town of Anatev - I mean, LA. - you might say everyone of us is a fan of the WNBA, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple game without breaking her bank. It isn't easy. You may ask: Why do we keep going if it's so poorly attended? We go because women's basketball is our own. And how do we keep to our budget? That I can tell you in one word: Subscription!"

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Street Legal

I just passed the CA written driver's test. And registered to vote in CA. And registered to donate my organs and tissue should the whole driving and voting in the Golden State thing turn tragic. I have been dreading this day, getting a hole punched through my beloved NY state driver's license, invalidating my Eastern credentials. I'm only slightly heartened by the fact that the CA state reptile is the desert tortoise (gopherus agassizi), easing my transition by way of fond turtle memories of Esmerelda. Although most folks drive hare-like, here...

Turtle  Welcome

Monday, June 18, 2007

eight things about me: a meme

Here are the rules...

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 4 people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

FYI: I did this exercise already back in March of '06, but my answers have changed over time. Plus, how can I ignore a tag from my girlfriend?

1.This is my South Park self:

The South Park Me

2. I get migraines sometimes:

me squeeze

3. This is where I grew up:

2300 W. Rogers Ave.

4. These are my newest niece and nephew:

Sugar (back) & Spice (mouth open)

5. I feel guilty that they're gone:


6. I miss these ladies:

the lesbian overtones rock it!

7. I love turtles:

ride em' cowgirl!

8. I had been wearing these same clothes for 3 days straight:

Livin' Large in Sydney

I tag: Jen, Michelle, Kaki, Zack

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Bumpy ride

I left this:


For this:

Proud Chase-Snyder's

Ran into this, literally:


Then saw this:

itty bitty titty committee

And am now working on this:


But really need this:


Because soon I'll be here:


Working with:
