Friday, May 4, 2007

1,000 words

So much has been happening lately, lets just go mostly with the pictures, since I'm short on the 1,000+ words to describe it all.

This is a view from inside the new building at MICA (Maryland Institute College of the Arts) on opening night of the MD Film Festival. Dig the onlooking reflected posters.
Poster faces in the hall of MICA
Why the inside of MICA? Because of these three gentlemen:

Leon, Dan & Nathaniel
Leon Fleisher, Dr. Daniel Drachman and Nathaniel Kahn - all key players in the making of "Two Hands," which was one of the opening night shorts.

This trip back had happy things: the MD Film Fest and visiting family, like my cousin Emerie, who is doing a rousing job staring in the ensemble of Arena Stage's "The Heidi Chronicles."

emerie's headshot

And my two sweeties together:

sonora & orpheus lounge in the office

It also had sad things, like the memorial for my beloved theater professor Joe Patenaude.

This is the door to Joe's office at Drew University.

Joe's Door w/Joe...

This is some of my fellow theatre arts alumni - notice how they taught half of us to keep our eyes closed for the photograph.

Dan, the Gov & Alumni

My favorite republican, Gov. Tom Kean & I... The first student show he saw as prez was my first play, "Gaijin." We've had a mutual admiration society going on ever since.

Me & the Gov

It was healing, though, to walk on the campus again and see the beautiful new Arts building - of which I'm totally jealous (we had to rough it in The Commons, a blackbox, and Bowne, a converted gymnasium).

Dorothy Young Center for the Arts

From Drew's college in the forest, to Baltimore's oddities...


Filling up on the East Coast to last me a while on the West.