It's nice to get a little blurb in the hometown paper:,0,5445580.story?coll=bal-artslife-movies
I've now worked on 2 films (The Diversion & Two Hands) in my birthplace, Baltimore, MD, and I'd like nothing more than to shoot my latest feature script "To Do:" there. It's Bawlmer to the core, hon. Set in Roland Park (Anne Tyler country), @ Friends School (my alma mater), Johns Hopkins (my father's long-time workplace), Harbor Place (which was inaugurated on my 10th birthday), O'Brycki's (bang-bang crabs of choice), The Lacrosse Hall of Fame (Ravens, who?), the Visionary Arts Museum (overlooking the Inner/Outer Harbor with inspiration from within), and a whole host of Baltimorons (my favorite geographical designation), complete with a custom-created role for Charm City native John Astin.
Odd/ironic that I had to move all the way across the country to try and get this film made. Folks at the OutFest Screenwriters Lab this summer convinced me that L.A. was the place to be to get this project off the ground, so here I am. Now all I need is $1 million to get everything/everyone else in place. The trick? Funding a romantic dramedy staring relative unknowns. Oh, and the lead character's dying of breast cancer. And they're lesbians. Piece of cake, right?
I guess I have Baltimore and breasts on the brain today. First the Sun article, then my very first mammogram. I count it as good preventive medicine and great research for the script. Nothing says commitment to my writing like having my boobs smashed in between 2 panes of glass. Definitely suffering for my art, here...