OK, I just read through my last couple of posts. Boy, I'm cranky! I apologize; To my faithful readers (all 7 of you). To anyone I've offended or hurt by way of venting. To everyone, really (except Time Warner Cable SoCal and FedEx because they really did do me wrong). To Southern California, for not giving you the benefit of the doubt and in deference to the nice weather (although it's colder than I imagined it would be - note to self: buy sweaters). And to myself, since it's pretty darn hard to pull this off - I must remember to chill the heck out. There are beaches and canyons and parks around here for that, right? And friends, nice friends who have welcomed me while I've been too engrossed in the practical, annoying crap of setting up house 3,000 miles away from the life and loves I've known for all my years on this earth. I'm a little late on remembering the meaning of Thanksgiving; I can beg forgiveness just in time for Chanukah...