I called the gas company nearly 2 weeks ago to have the service put in my name. They were scheduled for last Monday. They showed up this morning, bright and early, ringing the doorbell to wake me up and say "Gas check!" I felt like sayng, no thanks, I'm flatulent enough. Shortly thereafter, Time Warner Cable SoCal called to ask how satisfied I was with my service appointment this weekend. Oh, you mean the one where they were supposed to be here 1-3pm, but showed up closer to 6:30pm after tons of calls and time on hold (that'd be my friend Elizabeth Holder doing the calling - remember? "You appear to be calling from a number outside of California..."), so the guy can come and replace the broken cable box they gave me in the first place? I wouldn't let him leave until it worked with ALL the channels I'd ordered, which, after the 3rd cable box he installed, happened. I gave that poor woman an earful. The electric company hasn't even bothered to show up or call; Guess they don't want my money. Now I'm waiting for the bungalow's contractor to fix a bunch of little things which seem to constantly fall off the bottom of his check list. Don't get me started...
*UPDATE* Now FedEx doesn't know where the 4 large, carefully-packed boxes containing my worldly possessions are located. This is FedEx, with a barcode on everything that allows you to track the tissue you just used to wipe your nose. They don't know where my boxes are! Not only that, but 4 different calls to customer service yield 4 different answers as to what transpired when they were picked-up in NYC. Nor can anyone agree on whether they left New York City OR were returned to sender OR refused by my NYC doorman OR attempted delivery in L.A. OR sitting on a truck or a depot in Brooklyn OR shoved up some supervisor's nose! All I know is that I was looking forward to wearing more than the 2 pairs of shoes I packed in my suitcase, using the printer to print out my scripts, and make some soup in my favorite stockpot. It's not asking a lot of a package delivery service to DELIVER SOME PACKAGES, now is it!?!
I'm just trying to keep in mind the good stuff. The soothing stuff. The life stuff.