Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I'm not announcing which screenwriting competition/lab I got into, because it's not public knowledge yet (press releases and such), but I just have to scream YIPPEEEEEEEE! Much as I'd like to say that what other people think of my work doesn't matter, it's the work that counts - that's a load of crap (in a way). The work I do is for exhibition, so OF COURSE it matters what other people think, so I can get it out there and seen in the world. I could write scripts from now until I croak for my own pleasure, but what I'd croak from is knowing that no one else got to see/hear/act/direct/produce/screen them. They're scripts; they're meant to be made with other people, then shown to more other people. So, with any luck (and a ton of hard work), that's the path this script will take. Fingers crossed...