Today I attempted to mate a friend's antiquated serial printer with a new-fangled USB computer, to no avail. For my efforts, she rewarded me with the most scrumptuous Vietnamese food I've ever had the pleasure to snarf down.
For the past decade I've battled my failing body and have finally triumphed into health. When I look into my new sweetheart's eyes I don't wonder "What did I do to deserve the happiness she brings me?" I know exactly the price I paid for 10 years in the dumps.
After toiling in obscutity at the craft of dramatic writing for my adult life, my work is just now coming to more public light. My screenplay "Transit Karma" has just been named a quarter-finalist in the 9th Annual American Screenwriters Association International Screenplay Competition (and was recently a semi-finalist in the 2005 Nolita Film Festival).
If it wasn't apparent to me before, it sure is now: Karma is a boomerang.